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Forvis Mazars Logo


We use real world examples

HR & IR training

As experienced professionals in human resources and industrial relations as well as experienced training facilitators, Forvis Mazars HR consultants are able to offer education and training across the broad spectrum of HR and IR topics, tailored to audiences such as HR professionals, leaders and/or employees. As practicing professionals, we enrich our sessions with real-world and practical insights and examples.
Offering HR and IR courses to the general public and tailoring courses for your business needs.

Course topics

Training for both public and in-house sessions include topics such as:
We are able to fully customise topics and content to your specific requirements for in-house delivery.

Upcoming public training courses

Coming soon.





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Head office
Street address:
Level 11, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000
Postal address:
GPO Box 2268, Brisbane Qld 4001
+61 7 3218 3919
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